
I started this blog last summer – hence the title. As a working mom who has the summers off, I set out to give myself a project. I thought it would just be a summer thing, but it turns out writing all this down is rather cathartic.

But I also now do it because I am a writer – and I always have been. Having the goal to set text here every night, to hope that some of it may actually be good even, fulfills me. Growing up, I typed (on my Apple 2E) long stories about children and teddy bears; I composed a family newsletter for a few years when I was in elementary school; I won money for my college essay and got to read it on the radio. I wrote creatively and analytically through undergrad and then “gave up” my first teacher summers to continue writing at Bread Loaf.  I write and I always have.

One response to “About

  1. What fun! I found your blog via Motherlode–and having an 18 month old son who sucks his thumb, I thought I’d better check you out. Love your writing! I keep track of my little man at http://www.misscapatosta.com 🙂 Cheers!

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